
So this is a corny post lol(: I am warning you so that if you don't want to read corniness don't but if you do read on lol. So I have THE best boyfriend in the world. We have been together for 4 years(in August lol) and he is still so sweet. I bought these hearts at Michaels(love this store) and you can write on them with chalk. I put some in the bathroom and I write motivational quotes so that when i wake up (i go to the bathroom first thing when i wake up i know my bladder sucks lol) i can be motivated and start my day off right a few mornings ago I woke up to this:
Drew knows that I have been struggling with my weight and liking myself for who I am. I love how he is there for me every step of the way. He does make me feel like I am a size 0 and that I weigh 100 pounds. Not that that could ever be true because there is just no way that I could every be a size 0! lol. but regardless he does make me feel great. It's been there for like a week now and I refuse to take it off! lol


Lupe said...

Aw that's very cute.

Hey how do I follow your blog? I don't see a follow button on your page.

Maria said...

i think if you look at my profile it lets you i edited my blog on blogger so i dont know why they would take it out weird yes we should spend the summer taking a photography class! lol

Lupe said...

Found it, it was actually at the very top by "share" and all that. I was originally looking for it on the left side of your blog. I was thinking of a photography class too.

I also like to get tips from this blog especially this post


I love this girl's blog/website. I used to read life, food, fashion blogs before i got my own
and I love this girl's blog and I can't wait to try out all her photography tips.