
Our Place

So Drew and I still have a few things to add to the house our room still needs some stuff to add to it and the office but overall we are slowly but surely getting it together! YAY! It's awesome(: Here are some pics(:
My favorite pic!
living room
huge closet (drews side)
(My side)
our room

4th of July(:

For our second 4th of July together we decided to hang out with Ruben and Monica(: They are awesome. I like to think of them as an older(not much older) version of Drew and I. I thought that my relationship with Drew was truly genuine and that I'd never meet a couple as happy and crazy as we were. Boy have we met our match! We all laugh at the same things and it's great(: We had an awesome time: BBQ,Guitar Hero, and Booze(: It was fun to hang out with them! Thanks Guys