
Mommas Bday

So today was my Moms Bday YAY happy birthday to her(: and we went to the casino and went to the buffet and then we went shopping! Our favorite thing to do in the whole wide world! It was such a blast. I felt though because our little brother was sick and he wasnt feeling well! Poor Hunny!
And they had these awesome chocolate fruit tacos!!! MMMM



So i have no clue wtf my blog is doing but today was an awesome day! Drew and I went over to moms to tan so that I can look like a true mexican! Ema was there and was SO happy when we got there because my baby threw the ball for her for a while! She was dead lol(:


Feel Better! Kind of

So as some of you know I have had finals and 2/3 have been at 8am. Which totally blows because I have to drive an hour to campus so thats already me getting up 7 not mention that i have to study so i got up at 4am and 530am the previous day I am so freaking tired but so damn happy that I am free! A week is all I get but I'll take what I can get. So this is what the office looks like now lol. Trust me Drew is going bonkers! lol He tells me nicely that I need to clean it but I have been so busy lately it's the last thing that i think about! I don't know what the hell is going on with my blog but its being freaking weird!!!



Mom and Drew came to some agreement and we got a wii out of it. Not sure what all the terms and conditions are therefore I cannot specify(: But what I can tell you is that this game makes my boyfriend WAY too happy! lol I had to be up at 6am today because I had a final at 8am and one at 330pm. As soon as the wii got here he text me then I was ignored(first sign that he is crazy about it) then it was "Hunny hurry and get home and play the Wii with me so I can "kick" your ass." I have another final at 8am tomorrow morning otherwise I would be kicking his ass!
This thing is awesome it has bowling in it and it makes Drew sweat and now he says that he will "buff" again(: My baby is so funny! lol Anyways it comes with wake boarding games, basketball, softball, and a whole bunch of other things that Drew could probably name for you but Im not to tech savy so I'll just lay off(:

Can you tell he is having WAY too much fun with it!

Thanks Mom for the "present" (: love you



I know that I haven't been a great blogger lately and I have been sort of avoiding it because I know that Anettas drop-off would have to be on here because it's and important step in her life as well as mine. I can't tell you how hot and cold I have been I get upset over anything and everything and 5 seconds later I am totally over it. I know it's because Anetta is always in the back of my mind. How is she doing? Is she getting enough love? How did her spaying go (she is not a potential breeder anymore because her sister has retinal degeneration and I guess Anetta could have a gene so she was spayed) ? Does she miss me? But honestly I have to get a grip on it!
I miss her everyday and this is the hardest part of raising a Guide Dog I guess because your left with that little bit of hope that you will get "your" dog back. Even though I "know" how awesome she is and that she will be great it's just always there what if shes too dog distracted or loves human food too much. I just can't explain this feeling that I get. I have to stop it though because I'm just hurting myself and I know that Drew doesn't like to see me sad and let alone me bitching all the time. So no more randomly crying on my way to school or as I am writing posts!
So this was her recall date and all I know is that she has been spayed and that she will begin formal training sometime this week(:
As far as weight watchers go I have to lose 3 more lbs to have lost 10lbs all together it's been a slow process but I am getting back on track! (: Lost .8 lbs this week so I am just focusing on that and school and graduating(: