
Drew,Anetta, and I♥

Well Drew and I have been super busy getting things ready to move into the new house! YAY we need to move our stuff out of the apartment and ADIOS! lol We are so super excited to get out of there and start decorating and making it beautiful! Anetta however I am sure will focus on destroying the yard and chewing up whatever she can get her cute little paws on!(: She is eight months old now how freaking crazy is that! I only have a few more months left with her and Drew and I are not looking forward to it! Every time that I think about it I just want to start crying! Anyways I will keep you posted on the new things for the house!

♥New Moon!

What can I say about my obsession for the Twilight series? EDWARD CULLEN DUH! lol I am insanely obsessed with Stephanie Myers' series and after reading all four books in a week I am so excited for November 20th, the release of the New Moon film! New Moon is the second book in the series(: if you haven't checked it out I'm just saying do it! lol

Alexs' Graduation(:

So it has been a while since I have posted a blog but I have been so busy and stressed out form roommate issues to finals week! BOO(: Anyways my little sister Mayra(we call her Alex) has graduated from eighth grade! Yay! So I took the time to take some pictures of her before her graduations and might I add she looked stunning(: I am so proud of her she has a long journey ahead of her and I wish the best of luck to her! I love you!