
21 list turned into 22

I have seen a lot of people makes these list and i thought geez I will make one too. So i made one last year and I guess as you age (YAY) you get to add one extra thing. Now that I have done a few it feels good to actually do it.
21 by 21 list:
1. Graduate from UC Davis by next June
2. Post at least 5 2 posts on my blog a week!
3. Try not to be a bitch when I'm on my period! (I knoq T.M.I but I really am a bitch!)
4.Take a photography class
5. Get down to my goal weight (145 lbs)
6.Not only get down to my goal weigh but TONE!
7. Pay off my 3 credit cards  2 more to go baby!
8. Get rid of my old shoes and cloth because they make my HUGE closet looks mall!
9. Finish Anettas scrapbook
10. Go to Anettas graduation
11. Take more pictures with my camera and scrapbook them still going strong!
12. Read 2 books a month
13. Be LESS stressed(not doing very good with this one!)
14. Help Drew clean more( i know he is OCD but I must try to clean as well as he likes it) ive held through pretty good
15. Do my H.W. a week before not a few hours before I have half done this one lol! 
16. Get my tattoo done by the end of this year
17. Eat healthier
18. COOK (:
19. Do more fun educational things with my "kids" at work i have masterd more than half of this one lol
20. Go to Bodega Bay
21. Go to Monterey Bay and take pictures! (been there but not with Drew)
22. Relieve stress by working out. Very important because after working out you always feel better and your not fat which in my case is a bonus lol.

and because no post is ever good with out a pic:
remembering my little baby! miss her (:

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