

So I am keeping a record of how I do on Weight Watchers every week and I will post a picture not today though seeing as I havent been able to find my camera charger(in actuality I havent looked(:) I was a little discouraged when I got my wisdome teeth removed because I gained back three pounds and was left with losing .8 but this week I lost 3.8 lbs for a total of 4.6 lbs(: YAY I was very happy lets hope that this week goes just as well! *(:


Netters Bo Betters Fo Fetters Fi Fi Fo Netters(:

When I first began to think about doing this Guide Dog thing I knew that letting go would be the worst part. As I walked into the Guide Dog kennels I saw this 10 year old boy dropping off his first Guide Dog and his Mom said to me "This will be you in a year." Of course at the time I was too excited to get my first puppy! I wanted to do a Guide Dog mostly because Drew said no and because I love, love ,love dogs and we couldn't have one in our apartment because it was a 500 dollar deposit and it just wasn't convenient. So a Guide Dog was a good choice because you skip the 500 dollar deposit and the dog goes with you every where. Anyways when they put this little black puppy into my arms I was SO SO happy! Then they told me her name was Anetta and I was like what the hell! lol (Guide Dogs are know for having the most RANDOM names). But I quickly took her home to Davis so that Drew could fall in love with her just like I had. We were going to go straight to Moms to show her but we were set back because I locked my keys in the car! OOOps that happens more often than it should! Finally we got the keys out and
where able to take her to moms so that she could see this little joyful ball that would bring so many amazing memories! At first Alli was not too fond of her Emma could have cared less. She began to play with her toys and slowly but surely Alli grew fond of her. I think those weekend trips to Moms house led to this

My monkey dog(: This dog LOVES nanners(bananas)! I mean she will eat anything but boy does she have a soft spot for nanners! That's what makes her Netters! Of course she was a genius dog! She was potty trained in like 3 days and sleep like crazy! She was so lazy sometimes when I would take her to class she would walk NO JOKE a block and then as I was walking I felt this jerk and when I turned around sure enough she was laying on the ground refusing to walk!

After that came the terrible two stages and I mean there is not one thing this dog did not want to chew on and dig up! She mostly spent her time digging up Daves rocks and making a HUGE mess! Anetta would do this at least once a weeek! (sorry Dave my parenting skills suck) I remember that one day we said to ourselves lets just leave netters in the room while we go to longs (10mt trip at the most) and when we got home boy were we let know that was not ok! Toilet paper chewed up shoes cables BOOKS!! I thought about strangulation for just a split second then it quickly went away! Afterwards I remember leaving her in my car to run in the store to get something and hmm when I got back mess again! Damn Dog! (: Then came Moo Moo

Lord knows you would say "netters go lay on Moo Moo!" and this was her! She loves that cow of course he has lost some of his insides (shes still sort of a puppy at 15 months(:) but she loves Moo Moo more than her daddy though because now Moo Moo is in the garage do to him not "looking" good in our room and I guess Moo Moo smells but I have trouble believing that was the biggest reason he went in there.

Of course netters loves her daddy! I mean she loves him to death! You tell her go get Daddy Netters and she will find him guaranteed every time! She loves loves loves playing with Drew. At times she gets too rough but for the most part we spend about 30 mts a day laughing at her run with her legs tucked behind her butt and running like crazy! Dad has been awesome with her and he loves her so much! It is so awesome to see them together and I will truly miss that!

Like any good story theres always an ending. Netters goes back to Guide dogs February 1st(thats the most probable day they are still getting back to me but they are sure it will happen) and she will be transferred to the Oregon campus to do her formal training there and she will also graduate there. I cannot tell you how heart broken I am! I've cried I don't know how many times and I can't even imagine how much more I'm going to cry when I drop her off at the kennels. As she sits in here (on my feet) under the desk I realize what a great bond her and I have and how hard this is all going to be. When I drop her off Feb 1st that will most likely be the last day that I will see her because oregon is far away and I doubt that I will make it to her graduation. Anetta has been the most wonderful dog that I have ever had! She has just melted my heart to the core. I know that if I had to do this all over again and choose between a Guide Dog and a "regular" pet I would choose a GD every time, because without this experience I would have never had Netters in my life and how lame would that be! I hope that Anetta does well on her formal training because I know that she will make some blind person 100xs more happier than she made me because she will be helping them in so many ways! I dread and hurt that she has to go back so soon but it has been one heck of a ride and I've loved every minute of it (: Love You Netter!



Me and my miserable self! I'm allowed on the computer for 5 minutes at the most! lol Drew is a pain in the ass nurse! lol but i love him(:


Drew has wanted an accent wall since we moved into the house and HE finally did it because I was broken! With the help of Mr.Putman they were able to get it together and finish it in one day! Amazing I know. I can't tell you how awesome it looks because words cannot describe what an awesome job they did and how perefect it turned out!
It looks absolutely awesome and now all we need is wall decor and I think that it's good to go! My baby did an awesome job and I love it!(:

Nice to finally have!

Since Drew and I have moved into our new place I have wanted a table! I knew that there was no room whatsoever for a table in our kitchen but I wanted it bad anyways. Drew, Mom, and I went to Ikea to find something that I cant remember if we found or not but anyways we bought a sofa table and it looks awesome I would post a picture but camera just died(figures) and I can't find the batter charger(figures again!) anyways but Mom found a really cool table! it folds up so its against the wall and when we want to use it we just unfold it and its super awesome! I can't wait to post the pics meanwhile here is my little "elf" at work(:



So last Friday I had 2 wisdom teeth removed. I had already had the ones on my right removed already so I expected me to be high on Friday and be done and ready for school and work on Tuesday. On Sunday I began to feel horrible pain on my bottom left side I mean it hurt! I am a girl for pain I'm not going to lie but this was different. Mom came to visit me Sunday and I told her how I felt and of course the "you get your ass to the doctor tomorrow" followed(: I didn't oppose I woke up Monday morning and went into the dentist. When I got there they informed me that I had a dry socket and that they would put medicated gauze on it and it would be feel better instnatly(no big deal right? WRONG) The gauze turned out to be a thin strip that was pushed inside the hole where my wisdom tooth used to be! I can not explain the pain I felt and it was horrid! So today Mom took me in to get the gauze replaced once more and it hurt but it was not as bad as the first time. Then Mom took me to her house and pampered me(: She is soo sweet and I can't tell you how amazing it was for her to take care of me and love me! Drew did a great job as well! He was awesome but I can tell that he is tired because this has been dragged on forever and I feel bad having to wake him up every day in the a.m. hours taking care of me and I love him so much for it! Thank you Mom and Drew for taking care of me and thanks to my Mommy for making me soup and Lynny and everyone else that text me(: You guys are awesome(:


Weight Watchers

So I'm sure many of you have noticed my weight gain and I have been struggling with it for about 2 years now. I gained about 40 pounds when I began to go to UC Davis and let me tell you it has not been the best of times for me. So I decided that I would start Weight Watchers as soon as I got back from Mexico. This ism y third week now (well today is my fourth an I go get weighed today) Anyways I have lost 3 lbs already. Let me tell you that it really embarrasses me to talk about me doing weight watchers and I have no idea why so I figured that I would blog about it and that it would make it a lot easier for me to talk freely and post on days that I have had a rough time or when I get my hunger attacks. Anyways I hope that by posting this I can be all right with being on Weight Watchers though I have NO idea why it is embarrassing to me. So here is my "fat" picture and when i reach my 5% goal weight I will post another one(:

So I must admit..

I have been a horrible blogger probably the worst you can ever imagine! but for my New YEars resolution I plan to keep my blog updated!!! so Im going to blog about things that I have done for like the past month!! lol
I went to Mexico to visit my family and it was so awesome to go back to mexico and see them all! I can't tell you how important family is to me! I love seeing them and hanging out with them! I did however miss Drew I wish that he would hav gone with me and met the majority of my family but he didn't want to go so maybe some other time.
This is a beautiful lake we went to called Santa Maria del Oro and its the most amazing place! I love it there so much! very peacefull and might I add the delicious food!
My lovely parents at the beach! They are so precious(:
My uncle nad his son we were in Villa Juarez its a small town where more of my family lives. When I mean small I mean small like have to use a bucket of water to flush the toilet! None the less it's a wonderful time(:
My dad, Uncle Guero, Uncles Cesar, Cousin
For my Birthdya we hung out with Ruben and Monica I was taken to the Outback Steakhouse because it is the most amazing place to go eat there! I literally love to go there and eat! I love steak and there house salad is no joke the best house salad ive ever had and Mom agrees with me(: Anyways we had an awesome time like we always do with out CBFFs(: lol It was a great time!