

Ok so it has been really quite here on my blog! I have been having all sorts of issues. When it rains it pours! whoever said that was sooo right. I guess I shall start with my back. Its broken. damn thing has a bulging disk and so it hurts. I have been drugged for the last 3 weeks and shall continue to be drugged for the next..in my physical therapist words.."couple of months." My weeks have consisted of going to the emergency room and now they are filled with weekly physical therapies. I just hope that this gets better FAST. I cannot continue to be like this!
On to HAPPIER things...Raigan and Dereck came down to visit the first weekend in October.I would post pictures but my laptop is broken(figures) any who that was def. a great time. We took her to the pumpkin farm and it was great to see that smile on Moms face.
Anetta and Jackie are doing awesome i talk to jackie almost everyday and it makes me so happy to know that she is awesome and how much she loves Anetta. i hope that I get to see them soon.
For Halloween Drew FINALLY decided to let me pass out candy to all the little kids. They were so cute I bugged drew to take pics but he wasn't having it lol.
Hopefully I can post pictures soon!!



Allright so I have been super busy my little sister just had her Quincenera! I can't believe she is already 15!! Anyways so soon I will be starting my senior year in Davis. Let us hope that I graduate this year and I don't have petty classes that I need to take. My grandma was finally sent to Mexico she was so excited to get home. Hopefully she does better in Mexico. Drews Mom is super excited that Dereck and Raigan are coming in 2 weeks I swear she is counting down the days. I am excited too we get to take Raigan to the pumpkin farm! (: woohoo....Well I have lost 3.5 pounds so lets hope whatever it is I am doing sticks. If I change things slowly maybe they will stay that way! (:



Ok so I know that I have been a bad blogger there is no use in denying it! Any who I plan to be WAAAYYYYY better! I need to start documenting on what I am eating my weight loss and my work out! Literally I am obviously not in shape at all. I've been struggling first with Weight Watchers and now I am adding fiber to my diet because I eat 0 fiber! Which is no bueno!! Any who I am going to try to and hope that this blog helps keep me in check!



This obviously is not the best picture in the world but it captures the moment that Netters and I shared together! Seriously as soon as she saw me she went crazy and I of course started crying! lol (: My dad was telling me today how he can't explain why I love dogs so much and why I get so attached. His exacts words were "I love dogs but I don't want them in my house or them to kiss me." Well I say BOO YOU DAD! I can't explain my feelings for dogs. Obviously I love Anetta because she is my daughter but any dog that comes my way I want to nurture and love. I just don't know what to say to that!! Oh well I just know that I love dogs and I want no one to hurt dogs and I just want them all to have lovins (: 



Karolina is so darn cute!!! I cant get over how cute my goddaughter is!! lol
My little brother is HAlarious I think that it runs int he family lol ha ha ha! Regardless hes a doll! (:

Great day today! I went over to my parents and we went down to the river and had the little kids swim and I play I did not swim because I had already tanned earlier so I figured it wasnt necessary!



There are few things in my life that I can truly say "broke" my heart. One of those things was the day that I had to leave my Netters in a kennel for her recall date. I'll never forget that date and will never forget how she kept barking at me to go back for her. Today was a bittersweet day at Anettas Graduation. I was SO anxious to meet Jaqueline and see what she was like but I was more anxious to see Netters and see if she remembered "mommy." After a drive from hell was we arrived at the GDB campus and I rushed to the dorms so that I could see Netters. As they were walking me through those dorms I thought I was going to die! Really she was leaving :(. 

When I walked in she got up and I said Netters! She immediately lunged at me and I thought well she hasn't changed much no has she! I just started crying! I was so happy to see her and see that she was doing well and she looked great! Then I met Jacqueline(: I seriously was so concerened that Netters would get someone who sucked! lol I expected to leave that day NOT being happy with her new owner. As soon as I talked to her and heard about how much she loved Anetta I started crying again! I thought I loved Anetta.

Jacquelines love for Anetta was just as strong if not more! Jacqueline even loved her name right before she got her! That's love cause when I heard her name I was like what the hell! Jacqueline kept saying how awesome Netters was and what a great dog she was. I totally agreed with her. My bond with Netters is very strong she was baby she would go to class with me, the bathroom, to take my exams. It was such an awesome experience to have Anetta. Now that I met Jacqueline I realize the bond with Anetta with her is much more different because Netters is Literally Jacquelines eyes. 

Drew and I were so proud and happy to see that Netters was helping Jacqueline get through with her life and go out more. I can't explain how awesome it felt to hear from Jacqueline that Netters was going to change her life. I know that Netters changed my life because she was like a baby to me. I know it sounds stupid but for those of you who know me you know what a dog lover I am! I would literally "make-out" with Netters for hours! lol She was and always will be my baby!

I hope that her and Jacqueline do great things together and I hope that I can see Netters every once and a while. I know that Jacqueline will take care of Netters and love her! 






Karolina is damn cute! I can't stand it lol...her toe nails are painted and they are all dirty and obviously in need of a new coat..but it's ok because it shows all her crazyness and how she is on the go 24/7. So I got this idea to do a 21 by 21 list from Drews sister in law. So I decided that I should give it a shot and try to get as much done of it as I can! I hope that I can get these thins done!

21 by 21 list:
1. Graduate from UC Davis by next June
2. Post at least 5 posts on my blog a week!
3. Try not to be a bitch when I'm on my period! (I knoq T.M.I but I really am a bitch!)
4.Take a photography class
5. Get down to my goal weight (145 lbs)
6.Not only get down to my goal weigh but TONE!
7. Pay off my 3 credit cards
8. Get rid of my old shoes and cloth because they make my HUGE closet looks mall!
9. Finish Anettas scrapbook
10. Go to Anettas graduation
11. Take more pictures with my camera and scrapbook them
12. Read 2 books a month
13. Be LESS stressed
14. Help Drew clean more( i know he is OCD but I must try to clean as well as he likes it)
15. Do my H.W. a week before not a few hours before
16. Get my tattoo done by the end of this year
17. Eat healthier
18. COOK (:
19. Do more fun educational things with my "kids" at work
20. Go to Bodega Bay
21. Go to Monterey Bay and take pictures! (been there but not with Drew)

*lets hope I do them all!

It's been A While...

So I know that it has been a while since I have blogged..yes I have been a bad blogger and there is no point in me making any excuses for myself but I guess (for my own sake I shall(:) Well I have been missing Anetta horribly! She is now in PHASE 10!! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She is the smartest dog that I have ever had! Uhhh...still I can't help but be sad she is/was my baby. Though I am sad I'm so happy that she is one step closer to helping someone out that needs it. Any who I have also been really busy with school! Though I am only taking 13 units it seems like I am taking 20! It is schoool though so I guess that I should suck it up! 

Karolina is my goddaughter and this picture was taken at her brothers birthday party she is so damn precious! I love her!! (:

Alex and I being silly lol (: 

My cousin who btw just had her daughter! Nataly Sophia Gonzalez!
My little brother and I at his 1st communion he is so precious

Finally my "kids" at their soccer game! At my work our kids had a soccer game and even though they lost it was SO much fun! lol


Mommas Bday

So today was my Moms Bday YAY happy birthday to her(: and we went to the casino and went to the buffet and then we went shopping! Our favorite thing to do in the whole wide world! It was such a blast. I felt though because our little brother was sick and he wasnt feeling well! Poor Hunny!
And they had these awesome chocolate fruit tacos!!! MMMM



So i have no clue wtf my blog is doing but today was an awesome day! Drew and I went over to moms to tan so that I can look like a true mexican! Ema was there and was SO happy when we got there because my baby threw the ball for her for a while! She was dead lol(:


Feel Better! Kind of

So as some of you know I have had finals and 2/3 have been at 8am. Which totally blows because I have to drive an hour to campus so thats already me getting up 7 not mention that i have to study so i got up at 4am and 530am the previous day I am so freaking tired but so damn happy that I am free! A week is all I get but I'll take what I can get. So this is what the office looks like now lol. Trust me Drew is going bonkers! lol He tells me nicely that I need to clean it but I have been so busy lately it's the last thing that i think about! I don't know what the hell is going on with my blog but its being freaking weird!!!



Mom and Drew came to some agreement and we got a wii out of it. Not sure what all the terms and conditions are therefore I cannot specify(: But what I can tell you is that this game makes my boyfriend WAY too happy! lol I had to be up at 6am today because I had a final at 8am and one at 330pm. As soon as the wii got here he text me then I was ignored(first sign that he is crazy about it) then it was "Hunny hurry and get home and play the Wii with me so I can "kick" your ass." I have another final at 8am tomorrow morning otherwise I would be kicking his ass!
This thing is awesome it has bowling in it and it makes Drew sweat and now he says that he will "buff" again(: My baby is so funny! lol Anyways it comes with wake boarding games, basketball, softball, and a whole bunch of other things that Drew could probably name for you but Im not to tech savy so I'll just lay off(:

Can you tell he is having WAY too much fun with it!

Thanks Mom for the "present" (: love you



I know that I haven't been a great blogger lately and I have been sort of avoiding it because I know that Anettas drop-off would have to be on here because it's and important step in her life as well as mine. I can't tell you how hot and cold I have been I get upset over anything and everything and 5 seconds later I am totally over it. I know it's because Anetta is always in the back of my mind. How is she doing? Is she getting enough love? How did her spaying go (she is not a potential breeder anymore because her sister has retinal degeneration and I guess Anetta could have a gene so she was spayed) ? Does she miss me? But honestly I have to get a grip on it!
I miss her everyday and this is the hardest part of raising a Guide Dog I guess because your left with that little bit of hope that you will get "your" dog back. Even though I "know" how awesome she is and that she will be great it's just always there what if shes too dog distracted or loves human food too much. I just can't explain this feeling that I get. I have to stop it though because I'm just hurting myself and I know that Drew doesn't like to see me sad and let alone me bitching all the time. So no more randomly crying on my way to school or as I am writing posts!
So this was her recall date and all I know is that she has been spayed and that she will begin formal training sometime this week(:
As far as weight watchers go I have to lose 3 more lbs to have lost 10lbs all together it's been a slow process but I am getting back on track! (: Lost .8 lbs this week so I am just focusing on that and school and graduating(:


Oh Netters!

I know that I still have another night with you here with me but it's so hard to think about you leaving! This will be the hardest thing I will have had to do in forever days! I wish that I could have taken more pics or have bugged you more but it is what it is! I love you!


Lucky (:

Well today was Valentines Day and first off it was not a good night last night I didn't go to bed until like 6am and got up at 8am because I thought my parents were going to the snow and my dad wanted me to go over to change my brake pads. Anyways I was there all day and didn't get home or get to see my Valentine until 4pm:/ but when I got home I was surprised with this...

Awesome isn't he! I can't even begin to explain how amazing he is(: I felt so horrible that I couldn't have been with him earlier! He clean the whole house and the room! (awful mess there was in there) He is so awesome I wish there were more words to explain it. I literally got home called him to help me bring stuff in and when he walked outside he looked so awesome dressed up and pretty and I looked like crap! lol (: He didn't care he never cares and I love him for that. He bought me an ipod nano and I also haven't had time to brag about my new Nikon D3000 most awesome thing ever takes great pics!! Awesome way to spend our 3rd Valentines day together Thanks sweetie! Loveyou(:



YAY this week i did great lost 2.2.lbs too bad i havent been eating well since i weighed myself but now its time to go workout and hopefully I shall be fine! WISH ME LUCK!


Weight Watchers

So this past weekend i lost .4 lbs exactly what I needed to get to my 5lb mark so I have officially lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks. Its actually more than two weeks but I gto my wisdom teeth out and yea so pretty much it has been 2 weeks. I shall post a picture soon I promise I have 3 midterms and I must find my charger:/!!



So I am keeping a record of how I do on Weight Watchers every week and I will post a picture not today though seeing as I havent been able to find my camera charger(in actuality I havent looked(:) I was a little discouraged when I got my wisdome teeth removed because I gained back three pounds and was left with losing .8 but this week I lost 3.8 lbs for a total of 4.6 lbs(: YAY I was very happy lets hope that this week goes just as well! *(:


Netters Bo Betters Fo Fetters Fi Fi Fo Netters(:

When I first began to think about doing this Guide Dog thing I knew that letting go would be the worst part. As I walked into the Guide Dog kennels I saw this 10 year old boy dropping off his first Guide Dog and his Mom said to me "This will be you in a year." Of course at the time I was too excited to get my first puppy! I wanted to do a Guide Dog mostly because Drew said no and because I love, love ,love dogs and we couldn't have one in our apartment because it was a 500 dollar deposit and it just wasn't convenient. So a Guide Dog was a good choice because you skip the 500 dollar deposit and the dog goes with you every where. Anyways when they put this little black puppy into my arms I was SO SO happy! Then they told me her name was Anetta and I was like what the hell! lol (Guide Dogs are know for having the most RANDOM names). But I quickly took her home to Davis so that Drew could fall in love with her just like I had. We were going to go straight to Moms to show her but we were set back because I locked my keys in the car! OOOps that happens more often than it should! Finally we got the keys out and
where able to take her to moms so that she could see this little joyful ball that would bring so many amazing memories! At first Alli was not too fond of her Emma could have cared less. She began to play with her toys and slowly but surely Alli grew fond of her. I think those weekend trips to Moms house led to this

My monkey dog(: This dog LOVES nanners(bananas)! I mean she will eat anything but boy does she have a soft spot for nanners! That's what makes her Netters! Of course she was a genius dog! She was potty trained in like 3 days and sleep like crazy! She was so lazy sometimes when I would take her to class she would walk NO JOKE a block and then as I was walking I felt this jerk and when I turned around sure enough she was laying on the ground refusing to walk!

After that came the terrible two stages and I mean there is not one thing this dog did not want to chew on and dig up! She mostly spent her time digging up Daves rocks and making a HUGE mess! Anetta would do this at least once a weeek! (sorry Dave my parenting skills suck) I remember that one day we said to ourselves lets just leave netters in the room while we go to longs (10mt trip at the most) and when we got home boy were we let know that was not ok! Toilet paper chewed up shoes cables BOOKS!! I thought about strangulation for just a split second then it quickly went away! Afterwards I remember leaving her in my car to run in the store to get something and hmm when I got back mess again! Damn Dog! (: Then came Moo Moo

Lord knows you would say "netters go lay on Moo Moo!" and this was her! She loves that cow of course he has lost some of his insides (shes still sort of a puppy at 15 months(:) but she loves Moo Moo more than her daddy though because now Moo Moo is in the garage do to him not "looking" good in our room and I guess Moo Moo smells but I have trouble believing that was the biggest reason he went in there.

Of course netters loves her daddy! I mean she loves him to death! You tell her go get Daddy Netters and she will find him guaranteed every time! She loves loves loves playing with Drew. At times she gets too rough but for the most part we spend about 30 mts a day laughing at her run with her legs tucked behind her butt and running like crazy! Dad has been awesome with her and he loves her so much! It is so awesome to see them together and I will truly miss that!

Like any good story theres always an ending. Netters goes back to Guide dogs February 1st(thats the most probable day they are still getting back to me but they are sure it will happen) and she will be transferred to the Oregon campus to do her formal training there and she will also graduate there. I cannot tell you how heart broken I am! I've cried I don't know how many times and I can't even imagine how much more I'm going to cry when I drop her off at the kennels. As she sits in here (on my feet) under the desk I realize what a great bond her and I have and how hard this is all going to be. When I drop her off Feb 1st that will most likely be the last day that I will see her because oregon is far away and I doubt that I will make it to her graduation. Anetta has been the most wonderful dog that I have ever had! She has just melted my heart to the core. I know that if I had to do this all over again and choose between a Guide Dog and a "regular" pet I would choose a GD every time, because without this experience I would have never had Netters in my life and how lame would that be! I hope that Anetta does well on her formal training because I know that she will make some blind person 100xs more happier than she made me because she will be helping them in so many ways! I dread and hurt that she has to go back so soon but it has been one heck of a ride and I've loved every minute of it (: Love You Netter!