
Butte Meadow & Anettas first time at the snow!

Drew took Anetta and I to Butte Meadow today(: He used to go there when he was little all the time and we wanted to take Anetta to the snow so that's where he took us! It was so beautiful and Anetta just loved the snow so much! She kept running around in it! It was the funniest and cutest thing ever. I was quite surprised becuase the Guide Dog leaders told me that she most likely wouldnt like the snow becuase mos to of the Guide Dogs hate the snow but she was so loving it! After we spent a while there we where on our way back home and Drew stopped on the road becuase I wanted to take some pics of the snow and she would get up and be like "Do we get to play again!" lol! It was great(: Drew is such a good Daddy to Netters he ran around with her and loved her! Afterwards we went to eat to La Comida and then on the way back we stopped to visit Grandma(: It was a good day! Thanks Baby!

Drew wanted a Dalmation he got one!

Mommy, Daddy, & Netters
Can we play again PLEASE!
Drew playing with her!

If she wasnt a Guide Dog she would be a good hunting dog! 


Why I have a Guide Dog...

People ask me almost everyday, "How can you do that? I could never give up my dog! I love dogs way too much!" My friend Georgi tells people that they are the right type of person to have a Guide Dog becuase they need love and someone who cares to look and train after them. I say, "It's going to be really hard!" It is going to be hard to let go of Anetta after having her for a year but today I ws reminded of why I'm doing this. As I was grocery shopping at the Nugget a man came up to me and said, "I just wanted to say thank-you for being a Guide Dog raiser. My wife is blind and has had two different Guide Dogs. I know you put a lot of work into this and I want to tell you that my wife and I appreciate it very much. Her Guide Dog has given her the confidence to go out more and I just wanted to say thank you so much." I love Anetta with allmy heart but am so happy that I am doing something that can help someone. Even though I sometimes think in my head that I don't want Anetta to pass I really do want her to pass because if she can make me happy I can only imagine how much happier she would make a blind person in allowing them to go out and feel free. I love Anetta and I really hope that she passes! For those of you that raise Guide Dogs Thank-You!(:

Having fun with Daddy♥

Drew and Anetta were playing the other day and it was the funniest thing ever! Drew kept beating her up and they were so sweet and cute(: Anetta thought she actually had a chance lol(: It's apparent by the pictures that she did not! 

I think he won


Anetta & Chiquito

My housemate Yahi got a new puppy his name is Chiquito and he is very cute. Anetta loves to play with him and gets all crazy and excited lol! It's funny to watch them play because Anetta is huge compared to Chiquito, who is three months old, so she tries to jump on him and get crazy so he runs under our couch, which he is too chubby to fit under now, and they paw at each other lol! It's a funny sight! 

Having Some Fun

Well my boyfriend got a new game, Hawx, and Drew and Mario love that game(: As you can tell they love to play the game! I'm glad Drew got a game because he has been busy with school and I'm glad that he loves to play it! He is really good at it too lol(: He is so sweet!


R.I.P. Rosario Guadalupe

My cousin has her daughter on sunday and when she was born her intestine was not alligned properly. The doctore tried to fix it but they perforated the intestine and she passed away. The doctors said that even if it had been fixed she would not have survived for much long. I love my cousin and am so sorry that this had to happen to her! I love her and I hope that she is strong and can get through this.


Lucky I'm in love with my Best Friend...

Last Thursday we had to do puppy swapping for Guide Dogs and I had to give Anetta up and would not get her back until Sunday:/ I got Cadence a six month yellow lab and she is hyper and very cute:) Well yesterday I was super depressed and Drew came up to the room and asked me if I wanted Cadence upstairs with me and I told him no I want Netters! So he told me he was sorry and that he had a surprise for me. So he comes back with Cadence wearing a black shirt! He was like just pretend that its Netters ignore the white lol!:) He is so sweet to me and I am lucky to have him in my life! If there is one person that can always cheer me up and make me feel a lot happier it's Drew(: Thanks Baby I love you♥

Daddy or Mommys girl??

So Anetta seems to think that she is still a baby:) Which she is! Drew and I sure carry her like she is! She gives you those huge puppy eyes and you know that she is saying "Mommy/Daddy please carry me I'm so tired!":) In her Daddys words she is so sweet and cute and cute and sweet :)