

Allright so I have been super busy my little sister just had her Quincenera! I can't believe she is already 15!! Anyways so soon I will be starting my senior year in Davis. Let us hope that I graduate this year and I don't have petty classes that I need to take. My grandma was finally sent to Mexico she was so excited to get home. Hopefully she does better in Mexico. Drews Mom is super excited that Dereck and Raigan are coming in 2 weeks I swear she is counting down the days. I am excited too we get to take Raigan to the pumpkin farm! (: woohoo....Well I have lost 3.5 pounds so lets hope whatever it is I am doing sticks. If I change things slowly maybe they will stay that way! (:



Ok so I know that I have been a bad blogger there is no use in denying it! Any who I plan to be WAAAYYYYY better! I need to start documenting on what I am eating my weight loss and my work out! Literally I am obviously not in shape at all. I've been struggling first with Weight Watchers and now I am adding fiber to my diet because I eat 0 fiber! Which is no bueno!! Any who I am going to try to and hope that this blog helps keep me in check!