
X-mas presents from the Schianos(:

For those of you who do not know who the Schianos are they are my great "family" whom I had the privelege of giving my Guide Dog Netters Bo Betters fo fetters fi phi fo netters! Jackie to be specific(: lol I can't even explain how happy I am that Anetta and Jackie were matched. I could not have asked for a better choice. Jackie is like my twin sister but shorter (Shhhh don't tell her that) lol. Anyways I got an email from Carmen (Jackies mom) telling me how she forgot to send my Xmas card and that she had sent it. lol. I got it today and just loved it they are so sweet to me and I love it. I love that I have such great contact and have grown so close to them. I was under the impression that I would never talk to them or see Netters again but I am so glad that I was proven wrong! Thanks guys Love ya!!!


Practicing manual

Today I ventured off towards Ellis Lake to take some pictures and practice my Manual Mode which let me tell you was super hard. Here are some of the pictures that I started off with. It was really hard to figure out the shadows.
 This was the first picture I took and I was not very happy with it the color is just not my style i feel like my camera captured too much color or something I can't really explain it.
 These last 3 pictures came out a lot better I think and the color is great!

These two pictures that I took its so obvious that my manual skills suck lol. It is really hard to focus in right and sometimes I think that I have the perfect pictures when really i don't
This one came out way clearer and the color is way better

 I personally dont like the one with the sun in it because the background is way too  dark. I think that the shadows are just horrid in the morning lol
Love the reflection of the duck i wish my camera had a better zoom and that they would let me get closer!

 Lol really funny story I was taking a picture of these geese and the white one which I am assu,ing was teh "bf" attacked me because I was getting too close to them i guess or it didnt like the shutter sound that my camera made lol. It was super hilarious I was scared but only for a minute lol

Overall it was a good day for practice and I actually got out and practice which made it even better. Now off to clean before the bf murders me!


21 list turned into 22

I have seen a lot of people makes these list and i thought geez I will make one too. So i made one last year and I guess as you age (YAY) you get to add one extra thing. Now that I have done a few it feels good to actually do it.
21 by 21 list:
1. Graduate from UC Davis by next June
2. Post at least 5 2 posts on my blog a week!
3. Try not to be a bitch when I'm on my period! (I knoq T.M.I but I really am a bitch!)
4.Take a photography class
5. Get down to my goal weight (145 lbs)
6.Not only get down to my goal weigh but TONE!
7. Pay off my 3 credit cards  2 more to go baby!
8. Get rid of my old shoes and cloth because they make my HUGE closet looks mall!
9. Finish Anettas scrapbook
10. Go to Anettas graduation
11. Take more pictures with my camera and scrapbook them still going strong!
12. Read 2 books a month
13. Be LESS stressed(not doing very good with this one!)
14. Help Drew clean more( i know he is OCD but I must try to clean as well as he likes it) ive held through pretty good
15. Do my H.W. a week before not a few hours before I have half done this one lol! 
16. Get my tattoo done by the end of this year
17. Eat healthier
18. COOK (:
19. Do more fun educational things with my "kids" at work i have masterd more than half of this one lol
20. Go to Bodega Bay
21. Go to Monterey Bay and take pictures! (been there but not with Drew)
22. Relieve stress by working out. Very important because after working out you always feel better and your not fat which in my case is a bonus lol.

and because no post is ever good with out a pic:
remembering my little baby! miss her (:


So this is a corny post lol(: I am warning you so that if you don't want to read corniness don't but if you do read on lol. So I have THE best boyfriend in the world. We have been together for 4 years(in August lol) and he is still so sweet. I bought these hearts at Michaels(love this store) and you can write on them with chalk. I put some in the bathroom and I write motivational quotes so that when i wake up (i go to the bathroom first thing when i wake up i know my bladder sucks lol) i can be motivated and start my day off right a few mornings ago I woke up to this:
Drew knows that I have been struggling with my weight and liking myself for who I am. I love how he is there for me every step of the way. He does make me feel like I am a size 0 and that I weigh 100 pounds. Not that that could ever be true because there is just no way that I could every be a size 0! lol. but regardless he does make me feel great. It's been there for like a week now and I refuse to take it off! lol


So lately I have been super stressed. To the max thanks to good ol 'school so today I just got back from the doctors because I have been getting red bumps on my neck. Two things have caused this: A. I have an infection in my follicle 2. I am way too stressed out. Yes as soon as my dermatologist said this I was like O.M.G what is going on how can I possibly let myself get so stressed out? Seriously. Anyways A lot has been going on lately and I just really need to take care of my stress levels. Well today I am not going to work so I decided to play around with my manual mode on my camera. I have a nikon d3000 and i absolutely love the damn thing! lol I need to take more pictures! so here are a few started off rocky:
 I love how you can be so versatile with manual mode. I mean its not the best picture in the world kind of blurry but I absolutely love how you can just focus on that one flower(:

 My favorite one by far love the water ont he flower I really want to buy a new lens its only 200 dollars but I need to save money and actually get it!

 these two are what i started with just a plain tree in our front yard(:


Our Future Baby...

O.k so everyone knows that I was involved with Guide Dogs and Anetta graduated in August. I am so happy and thankful for that experience. I love that I have Jackie who is like a sister to me and I love hwo much she loves Anetta. Well as a lot of you know I am graduating this year. WOO HOO. I am so thrilled to be graduating but I am more thrilled because we have decided to purchase a puppy from mysiberians.com. We are so excited. We just put in the deposit and this is what we want our puppy to look like:
grey girl blue eyes! we are so excited! (:

♥ Day

 This was our 4th Valentines day together! Crazy I know because seriously it doesn't even feel like we have been dating for 4 years. Anyways I was listenenting to Rob, Arnie, and Dawn(like my favorite radio show lol) and they were saying how its always about girls and that boys are put under so much pressure to make it perfect and blah blah blah. And I thought you know what it's so true. Well I didn't have to work on V-day so I decided that this time it would be all about my bube So i cooked a bomb ass dinner.
Now I dont want to toot my own horn but it was Delicious!

Afterwards Drew came home with these
He so precious and of course they were not to his liking because the stems were too long and he had to fix them so that they were the most beautiful roses(:
We sat down for dinner and enjoyed our day together it was sweet. Afterwards i put the bath on for him and made sure that he got to relax. Also gave him a mini massage lol (: 
Me practicing my Manual mode on my camera(:

We had a great time! (: I love him so much and am so lucky to have him!



K so I am trying to blog i swear but midterms,work,life have been in the way lol. but dont trip update this weekend promise!! (:



O.k so I have been absent and really not keeping up with my blog! Now I know if you are reading this you will be like "No one cares." But I do. I care that I can't keep up with at least 1 to 2 damn posts a week seriously. Well I will update this and try to do weekly posts lets hope that I can keep up with this. I really love to scrapbook and I think that if I do a daily pic on the computer instead of printing the pic outthen decorating my and so on it would make my life more easier and then I could just print it out and be (:. K so here I go on SO SO SO many things.
1. So I started doing this Jillian Michael 30 day shred in January. I have lost 11lbs sadly I have not done it in 2 weeks due to a.My being sick and b. my busy life. But I simply can not take b as an excuse and I will tell you why. First off the video is a mere 20mts I know you guys are liek 20mts WOW maria seriously 20mts. Yes its 20 minutes of PURE hell. Circuit training non-stop. I plan on starting my video again tomorrow.
2. I officially graduate on June 12. Now while this might not seem like a big deal it seriously is. First generation college graduate. WOOT WOOT. It will be my greatest accomplishment. (: No I will not be attending graduate school next year because quite frankly I need a year off. Maybe 2. lol.
3. Drew and I are getting a new dog : (Meekah). She will be a Grey and White Siberian Husky. I know I wanted to name her Mischka but Drew and I felt liek it was over used plus when we yell at her it wont sound so swell lol.
4. Drew and I will be spending our 4th valentines day together on Monday. Crazy. Time totally flies when you are having fun. And drew and I sure know how to have fun lol ;) We arent doing anything too crazy because we always take a big trip at the end of the year. Which let me tell you is bittersweet. I love presents but a trip at the end of the year is always nice because it makes up for the gifts but still at the time you want the gift you know.
5. On a sadder note I found out today that one of my UB family member,Alfredo Martinez, passed away last friday. I feel very sad that I wasn't ever able to "catch up" with him. May his soul rest in peace.

Now that I am semi caught up I am going to try really really hard to keep this thing dust free and updated. For my sake especially hte monthly weigh in. Now I dont know if i will actually post my weight on here but I shall try to muster up some courage.