

This obviously is not the best picture in the world but it captures the moment that Netters and I shared together! Seriously as soon as she saw me she went crazy and I of course started crying! lol (: My dad was telling me today how he can't explain why I love dogs so much and why I get so attached. His exacts words were "I love dogs but I don't want them in my house or them to kiss me." Well I say BOO YOU DAD! I can't explain my feelings for dogs. Obviously I love Anetta because she is my daughter but any dog that comes my way I want to nurture and love. I just don't know what to say to that!! Oh well I just know that I love dogs and I want no one to hurt dogs and I just want them all to have lovins (: 



Karolina is so darn cute!!! I cant get over how cute my goddaughter is!! lol
My little brother is HAlarious I think that it runs int he family lol ha ha ha! Regardless hes a doll! (:

Great day today! I went over to my parents and we went down to the river and had the little kids swim and I play I did not swim because I had already tanned earlier so I figured it wasnt necessary!



There are few things in my life that I can truly say "broke" my heart. One of those things was the day that I had to leave my Netters in a kennel for her recall date. I'll never forget that date and will never forget how she kept barking at me to go back for her. Today was a bittersweet day at Anettas Graduation. I was SO anxious to meet Jaqueline and see what she was like but I was more anxious to see Netters and see if she remembered "mommy." After a drive from hell was we arrived at the GDB campus and I rushed to the dorms so that I could see Netters. As they were walking me through those dorms I thought I was going to die! Really she was leaving :(. 

When I walked in she got up and I said Netters! She immediately lunged at me and I thought well she hasn't changed much no has she! I just started crying! I was so happy to see her and see that she was doing well and she looked great! Then I met Jacqueline(: I seriously was so concerened that Netters would get someone who sucked! lol I expected to leave that day NOT being happy with her new owner. As soon as I talked to her and heard about how much she loved Anetta I started crying again! I thought I loved Anetta.

Jacquelines love for Anetta was just as strong if not more! Jacqueline even loved her name right before she got her! That's love cause when I heard her name I was like what the hell! Jacqueline kept saying how awesome Netters was and what a great dog she was. I totally agreed with her. My bond with Netters is very strong she was baby she would go to class with me, the bathroom, to take my exams. It was such an awesome experience to have Anetta. Now that I met Jacqueline I realize the bond with Anetta with her is much more different because Netters is Literally Jacquelines eyes. 

Drew and I were so proud and happy to see that Netters was helping Jacqueline get through with her life and go out more. I can't explain how awesome it felt to hear from Jacqueline that Netters was going to change her life. I know that Netters changed my life because she was like a baby to me. I know it sounds stupid but for those of you who know me you know what a dog lover I am! I would literally "make-out" with Netters for hours! lol She was and always will be my baby!

I hope that her and Jacqueline do great things together and I hope that I can see Netters every once and a while. I know that Jacqueline will take care of Netters and love her! 

